Wednesday, March 14, 2012


my finest moment for daydreaming time is the second after i open my eyes in the morning and before i get up from the bed.. looking numbly at the ceiling half awake and thinking randomly!
i just do it everyday for like 15-30 minutes, just wondering about almost everything.. this is sort of list of what i've been thought randomly this past week, on each different days, one random thought..

  1. i wanna have house with lotsa of paintings, a music studio and swing at backyard.. dont have to big house but a very comfy and beautiful minimalist decorated.
  2. i dont really understand about "your friend's enemy is your enemy" concept, but mostly girls always consider it as an ethical thingy, especially if u're in a gang of mean girls or bullies.. it's childish! as long as nothing is involved me, i dont think i would make my friend's enemy as my enemy too and it has nothing to do with friendship loyalty or something, sometimes people have to just mind their own bussiness.
  3. reading what your zodiac says sometimes can be comforting, i know it's lame and so superficial.. but sometimes what it says could really helping me to figure it out what's going on.. whatever it says, your brain unconciously will associated with what u want to believe.. so, nothing harm about reading zodiac every morning aight? ;p
  4. marriage is an institution and so does prison.. but they still have party in prison aight? at least once in a year.. on independence day! :)
  5. i wanna have kids, one of them named mozza.. taken from morrissey a.k.a moz
  6. u will know when u falling in love, but sometimes he's not the right person or maybe the time is not right.. or he just not in to u, sucks!
  7. strangers can be the most good listener.. they just dont know much, so they listen more to know more about your problem..
  8. u dont know a person very well, it's not because they so secretive or being too private, maybe u dont listen and pay attention enough.
  9. mind rules body
  10. why people keep telling me that i'm being too picky (in relationship term)? It's all about chemistry, don't u think? Romantic or platonic.. The time will come, so i'm just chillax to the max! :)

Life's good!!

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