Its plot revolves around a production of Swan Lake by a prestigious New York City ballet company. As is usual with all productions of the ballet, the production requires a ballerina to play both the innocent White Swan and the sensual Black Swan. One dancer, Nina (Portman), is a perfect fit for the White Swan, while Lily (Kunis) has a personality that matches the Black Swan. When the two compete for the parts, Nina finds a dark side to herself. Directed by Darren Aronofsky ( also known for directed The Fountain which i think one of the absurd movies i've watched ) and starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Surprisingly this is the best of Natalie Portman that i've ever watched, she caught into the character deeply and brilliantly, this movie would never get the same vibe if the role is not Portman's i guess, Natalie and Mila Kunis splendid collaboration make this movie perfect!
Natalie Portman as the character that really consumed by her own depression is breathtaking, okay.. no more words to explain, this movie is great and i praise portman and kunis's performance, i'm swept away!
Natalie Portman as the character that really consumed by her own depression is breathtaking, okay.. no more words to explain, this movie is great and i praise portman and kunis's performance, i'm swept away!
this movie is the best there is of 2010... this is not a horror movie, but for the first time since this few months, i felt eerie while watching a movie.. both Portman and Kunis delivered their best here.. the ending was thrilling and left us in deep thought..
and yes, Aronofski did a great job (again), his last movie i watched (The Wrestler) was a good movie too..
yes will..
some reviews said that it is a pshychological thriller, havent seen the wrestler thou..
hey, let's go hunting movies again some other time.
Sounds great mbun.. Whenever you want to go out, hunt for movie or whatever just BM me.. I would love to.. :)
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