Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This late couple months i've been listening to this band. Well, i accidentally dragged their 1st album " Oracular Spectacular" from my friend's computer into my iPod. I've heard and read a lot about the pro and contra about them and the label, about how they're going so mainstream and becoming label's slave or so whatever.. all i know i love their music so much. So i started to listen to their 2nd album 3 months ago "Congratulation" which i think really great. Reminds me of some hippies band back in 60's..
I'm not good at reviewing something but i just want to share this video to u guys. I love this video, this is somekind of unofficial video from the song "Congratulation" by MGMT. This video really touch me.. i hope u will get the same feeling as mine while u're watching it. By the way, i could't watch the official video because there are some problem with copyrights in this country so it is not accessible in youtube.

after i watched this video i decided, from all texts and issues that written by the man in the video, the one that i like the most is "we have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so we can listen more than we speak".

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