Listening to : today by smashing pumkins
did u know when corgan wrote this song, he's in suicidal tendencies. "today is the greatest", hari ini adalah hari yang terbaik karena hari itu dia berniat bunuh diri, dan apa yang lebih buruk dari bunuh diri? gak ada kan. That's why mungkin hari itu adalah hari terhebat karena gak mungkin hal yang lebih buruk lagi bisa terjadi.
life is easy when u think it is.. sounds cliche? i bet, u would say something like "it's easy to say but hard to do!". But for me happiness, sadness it just some mindset. Have u ever felt like u're near castrathrope or anything that (u think) will ruined your world, but still kept smiling at it? how poeple do something like that?
once again for me the answer is MINDSET!
sometime u should appreciate yourself by remembering all the shits u've been through, give u're self compliments for complished all the task or for handled problem so well. So when you're in deep shit rite now, it's not for the fuckin first time aight? maybe u've been through a big harder one before, so why this one hesitated u so much? u have survived before, so the next one should have been easier for u. dont sweats small stuff.
so if u think u're problem is bigger that suicidal tendencies, then why don't u just kill yourself?
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