it fella good, aight?
what am i doin' recently, i put in lyrics to my ipod so i can sing a long to my favs music, well... i found out, there are some music that (i thought) it's not a love song (coz it is so up beat, jangly not like any common romantic love song that makes so melloew-bluey-yellow), but when u get to the lyrics, wuoooooo.........
Halo by bloc party
kalo dengerin musiknya lagu ini bener2 lagu yang malah bisa bangkitin semangat, gitar dan drum yang up beat... the main point,i enjoy the music, coz it fulls with energy! boosting up your spirit! tapi liriknya... romantiss abis!
"....paralyze me, with your kiss. wipe those dirty hands on me. maybe we're looking for the same thing. maybe you're the one will complete me...."
teryata kele bener-bener romantis apalagi kalo dengerin album kedua weekend in the city, kayaknya penulisan lirik bener-bener beda banget dengan silent alarm, dimana dia lebih bercerita secara detil tentang setiap adegan yang dia buat di lagu itu, tidak banyak menggunakan bahasa absurd, jadi saya bisa bener-bener ngerasain apa yang dia alamin... listen to 'sunday' or 'i still remember'.

stone roses - ten storey love song
judulnya emang cinta2an tapi kalo dengerin the stone roses , secara musik, saya gak akan menggambarkan mereka sebagai band dengan lagu-lagu romantis, malah saya berpikir menikmati lagu mereka akan sangat nikmat dengan bantuan substansi tertentu (psikadelik abis). Tapi lagu ini.... liriknya....
When your heart is black and broken
And you need a helping hand
When you're so much in love
You don't know just how much you can stand
When your questions go unanswered
And the silence is killing you
Take my hand baby, I'm your man
I got love enough for two
Ten storey love song
I built this thing for you
Who can take you higher
Than twin peak mountain blue?
Oh well, I built this thing for you
And I love you true...

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