Hello life, it's almost a year since the last post. Some parts of my life was changing, really dont know how to feel about it, kinda lose some and win some.. so, yeah.. life not perfectly bad or good so far (life as an adult is suck!) . One thing i know, i really miss my friends like sooooo bad! in case you read this my lovely friends from medan or anywhere and we haven't met each other for like ages, i miss u so! xoxo!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
my finest moment for daydreaming time is the second after i open my eyes in the morning and before i get up from the bed.. looking numbly at the ceiling half awake and thinking randomly!
i just do it everyday for like 15-30 minutes, just wondering about almost everything.. this is sort of list of what i've been thought randomly this past week, on each different days, one random thought..
i just do it everyday for like 15-30 minutes, just wondering about almost everything.. this is sort of list of what i've been thought randomly this past week, on each different days, one random thought..
- i wanna have house with lotsa of paintings, a music studio and swing at backyard.. dont have to big house but a very comfy and beautiful minimalist decorated.
- i dont really understand about "your friend's enemy is your enemy" concept, but mostly girls always consider it as an ethical thingy, especially if u're in a gang of mean girls or bullies.. it's childish! as long as nothing is involved me, i dont think i would make my friend's enemy as my enemy too and it has nothing to do with friendship loyalty or something, sometimes people have to just mind their own bussiness.
- reading what your zodiac says sometimes can be comforting, i know it's lame and so superficial.. but sometimes what it says could really helping me to figure it out what's going on.. whatever it says, your brain unconciously will associated with what u want to believe.. so, nothing harm about reading zodiac every morning aight? ;p
- marriage is an institution and so does prison.. but they still have party in prison aight? at least once in a year.. on independence day! :)
- i wanna have kids, one of them named mozza.. taken from morrissey a.k.a moz
- u will know when u falling in love, but sometimes he's not the right person or maybe the time is not right.. or he just not in to u, sucks!
- strangers can be the most good listener.. they just dont know much, so they listen more to know more about your problem..
- u dont know a person very well, it's not because they so secretive or being too private, maybe u dont listen and pay attention enough.
- mind rules body
- why people keep telling me that i'm being too picky (in relationship term)? It's all about chemistry, don't u think? Romantic or platonic.. The time will come, so i'm just chillax to the max! :)
Life's good!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Laneway day!
Been waiting for months, finally.. St. Jerome Laneway Festival!
Austra was wicked, crazy gypsical performance, i also love Chairlift and i noticed one of the guitar was wearing batik (wrong country dude!) then i surprisingly fancy Yuck eventhough i never heard their music before, but they're good.
Too bad, when everyone seems very looking forward to see The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart they had some kinda technical problem, and some people meanly boo-ing 'em.. maybe, people just get too tired , so they just dont want any unperfection to happened.
continued with Toro y Moi, i love the genious Chaz Bundick.. been listening to him lately and too see him live on stage is one happy thing! Feist and The Horror was the next line up but i'm saving my energy for an uber closing.. It's M83!
They're crazy as shite, everyone just gave their last energy to M83 and so did i, nothing more to said.. M83 is one hell of great band and i'm so lucky to see 'em live on stage that night!
another great escape i supposed.. can't wait too see another festive season of music, see u next year Laneway! :)
Super duper excited and i was looking forward to see all bands, especially The Drums, Toro y Moi and m83.

hot weather but The Drums still kick ass!
So at the day i arrived the venue, which is Fort Canning Park, i missed The Cults.. but whatever the party still going on. it's time for The Drums, this is my second time to see The Drums on stage and they still gimme the same excitement, Jonathan Pierce look tired but i still sing a long with all my heart to him, love 'em!Austra was wicked, crazy gypsical performance, i also love Chairlift and i noticed one of the guitar was wearing batik (wrong country dude!) then i surprisingly fancy Yuck eventhough i never heard their music before, but they're good.
Too bad, when everyone seems very looking forward to see The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart they had some kinda technical problem, and some people meanly boo-ing 'em.. maybe, people just get too tired , so they just dont want any unperfection to happened.
continued with Toro y Moi, i love the genious Chaz Bundick.. been listening to him lately and too see him live on stage is one happy thing! Feist and The Horror was the next line up but i'm saving my energy for an uber closing.. It's M83!
They're crazy as shite, everyone just gave their last energy to M83 and so did i, nothing more to said.. M83 is one hell of great band and i'm so lucky to see 'em live on stage that night!
another great escape i supposed.. can't wait too see another festive season of music, see u next year Laneway! :)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Good Shites! (Part 6)
People can be so ungrateful with what they have, they just wanted more and more.. materials, pursuing careers or wealthy. And sometimes we can easily bugged by things and complaint much. People forget that God give us more that enough, we can be happy just by seeing blue skies, oceans, trees or birds chirping or children laughing, yes we can.. but sometimes we forget.
This movie really touched me.. Perfect Sense directed by David Mackenzie is telling about love story between Susan (Eva Green) a scientist and Michael (Ewan Mcgregor) a chef, with background situation when the world suffer an epidemic disease that make all world citizen losing their sensory perception, starting with smelling ability, tasting also hearing and the last scene.. which is really heartbreaking, when they two finally get back together their losing their sight.
Depressing movie!
This movie really touched me.. Perfect Sense directed by David Mackenzie is telling about love story between Susan (Eva Green) a scientist and Michael (Ewan Mcgregor) a chef, with background situation when the world suffer an epidemic disease that make all world citizen losing their sensory perception, starting with smelling ability, tasting also hearing and the last scene.. which is really heartbreaking, when they two finally get back together their losing their sight.
Depressing movie!
Download Perfect Sense
part 1
part 2
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Heyho Let's Go!
By the end of October, i'm ready with my getaway plan.. all the work stuff just touched my nerves and i need a break, so there i was planning my trip to see the band that i was looking forward to see in live version.. Tame Impala. Have u read about my previous about my astonishment to the band and i said that i really want to see 'em live and so i did!. 7 hours train with 2 friends and my sister come to Jtown, finally arrived on saturday morning and the show also on the same day, i'm sleepless but ready to rock!. So me and my friends was planning to get to the fairgound a wee bit late, by late we were expecting the ticket price would be in half price or so, coz we're really want to see only Tame Impala and they were played as the last line up, we are cheap bastards!. But.. unfortunatelly, there are few things happenned!
1. Traffic Effing Jam was killing me.. no wonder, it's Jakarta and Saturday night and some f*ckin political party were having this huge massive birthday celebration in GBK.
2. Me and my friend have an idea, noup.. actually, it was his idea and i just got along with it hahaha.. since the traffic was really jammed, finally we walked our way from Sency to Bengkel Night Park, it's a loooooooong way to go and we're walking.. or running to be exact, coz we're moving very fast like we were on Sea Games training. Not forget to mention, thanks to my friend (u know who u are haha!), we're kinda re-route to the wrong way.. but it was fun thou, my feet was numb for two days, but seriously, it was fun and good laughter.. and i do need sport indeed.
3. We dont have any tickets yet, that's another problem.. our plan as cheap bastards ruined coz it's half of the show already but the ticket price is still the same price.. dang, mission failed!
First band is ChkChkChk (!!!). Some groovy dance band that i've never heard before.. the vocalist was doing some gogo dance while singing, wearing hot pants and did somekind of move like u would see in YMCA video.
Finally Tame Impala was on stage right on 12 pm, they hit the crowds with "it's not meant to be" as opening track, hell yeah.. i really enjoyed their first 6 songs from setlist until they told us that they won't do any encore, they said "we are not kind of band that do encore".
1. Traffic Effing Jam was killing me.. no wonder, it's Jakarta and Saturday night and some f*ckin political party were having this huge massive birthday celebration in GBK.
2. Me and my friend have an idea, noup.. actually, it was his idea and i just got along with it hahaha.. since the traffic was really jammed, finally we walked our way from Sency to Bengkel Night Park, it's a loooooooong way to go and we're walking.. or running to be exact, coz we're moving very fast like we were on Sea Games training. Not forget to mention, thanks to my friend (u know who u are haha!), we're kinda re-route to the wrong way.. but it was fun thou, my feet was numb for two days, but seriously, it was fun and good laughter.. and i do need sport indeed.
3. We dont have any tickets yet, that's another problem.. our plan as cheap bastards ruined coz it's half of the show already but the ticket price is still the same price.. dang, mission failed!
First band is ChkChkChk (!!!). Some groovy dance band that i've never heard before.. the vocalist was doing some gogo dance while singing, wearing hot pants and did somekind of move like u would see in YMCA video.
Finally Tame Impala was on stage right on 12 pm, they hit the crowds with "it's not meant to be" as opening track, hell yeah.. i really enjoyed their first 6 songs from setlist until they told us that they won't do any encore, they said "we are not kind of band that do encore".
They were playing like only 10 songs, i was hoping they playing "lucidity" and "runway, houses, city and clouds", but they weren't. The sounds and lighting was lousy by the way.. but, i glad i went to their show. I love Nick Allbrook's new short hairstyle, he looks cute, like a little boy! i had lotsa fun, thanks to my beautiful friends also, u guys made my trip! :*
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Time flies, eh? October already and me no likey, coz i think i'm moving in really slow pace, like.. reaaaaallly slow! :/
So.. what i've been doing recently? not much.. just work, work and work.. for the last 5 months i have my new life at home with family and still working on it to be fit in new stuffs and rules (hard it is after for years u live by your own, but for now i just trying to enjoy every little thing). I miss my friends, a lot! (yes guys, i miss u all like crazy!) , my second home and its swing also. Nothing much happened or exciting story, but everything still good. I tell u, if life is a rollercoaster ride, then i'm riding a kiddie-go-round train now, everything just so flat and boring yet safe ;)
Time flies, eh? October already and me no likey, coz i think i'm moving in really slow pace, like.. reaaaaallly slow! :/
So.. what i've been doing recently? not much.. just work, work and work.. for the last 5 months i have my new life at home with family and still working on it to be fit in new stuffs and rules (hard it is after for years u live by your own, but for now i just trying to enjoy every little thing). I miss my friends, a lot! (yes guys, i miss u all like crazy!) , my second home and its swing also. Nothing much happened or exciting story, but everything still good. I tell u, if life is a rollercoaster ride, then i'm riding a kiddie-go-round train now, everything just so flat and boring yet safe ;)
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Actually i'm not a big fan of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but lately i have downloaded some of his movies and surprisingly they are good shites, some of 'em are (so-called) Indiependent movies, not box office kind of movies but my top 3 have one thing in common, they all have great soundtracks, don't u love movie that have great music in it? i do.
500 Days Of Summer
First one is 500 Days Of Summer, actually this is not a new stuff and no need to argue coz everyone will agree with me that this movie is a big break for Joseph- Gordon Levitt. All my friends are really crazy about this movie (or zooey). It released in 2009 directed by Marc Webb and in this movie Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing as an architect who works at Greeting Card company. The story begin when he meet Summer and brokenhearted, so mainly his character is a really sweet boy that falling in love and then left brokenhearted and try to move on with his life. Then more thing about this movie that really catched everyone's attention is its soundtracks (The Smiths, Regina Spektor, Wolfmother, Simon and Garfunkel, Doves, Mumm-ra, The Temper Trap etc). This movie is worth to watch and to listen.

Second movie is Hesher, first screened at Sundance at 2010, directed by Spencer Susser. Natalie Portman not only as the cast but she also one of the produser. Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing as Hesher, a metalhead with greasy long hair and live as a loner and hater, has nobody and love to vandalising and blowing things off. After one day he met TJ a depressed boy who just lost his mother in accident and always bullied by his friend. Somehow Hesher kinda sort things away in his own hell of ways, a metalhead's way!. By the way this is one of good comedy with great soundtracks i pressumed, Metallica and Motorhead being blasted out of the speakers. Just expect nothing while u're watching it, let this movie surprised u with its own metal's way \m/.
Mysterious Skins

The Third Movie is Mysterious Skins, released in 2004 directed by Gregg Araki. This movie got nominated and has won awards, espescially for Best Director and Best Actor (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). His role Neil Mcormick is a young hustler who had been molested while he's 8 by his baseball coach. The grows up neil become homosexual and his sexual journey make him as a male prostitute, then finally Brian his friend from the past find Neil as the key to bring back Brian's black out memories. One of the best part is Slowdive, Cocteau Twins, Sigur Ros, Ride etc as its soundtracks. Another great movie and great soundtracks, aight? enjoy!
download mysterious skins
download hesher
download 500 days of summer
download mysterious skins
download hesher
download 500 days of summer
Monday, June 27, 2011
Like, Poke and Follow
Recently, i've watched the news about a girl who kipnapped by her "stranger" boyfie, she met the boy on facebook and suddenly the boy lunaticly obsessed with her and kipnapped her TWICE!. I dont know with u but it really made me wandering, how come this things could happen? because i've read more than 10 cases about this kind of kidnapping coming from all over the world.
Actually, this kind of cases becoming world epidemic and (maybe) this is why Nico Muhly (a classical music composer who has collaborated with Bjork, Grizzly Bear and Anthony and the johnson) and Craig Lucas took their part in the making of Two Boys Opera.
Two Boys Opera by Eno Production is a play that brought u a daily (online) life story. its story begin with a teenage boy stabbed. An older boy is caught on CCTV leaving the scene. An open-and-shut case, it would seem. But, as Detective Inspector Anne Strawson investigates the older boy's story, she uncovers a bizarre nexus of chatroom meetings, mysterious internet identities and disturbing cybersex. Something that u can utterly find in your daily life, aight?
But the thing is.. it made me realise that our (online) life is obnoxiously weird actually. For example, on facebook u can poke someone that u barely know, or be liked or commented by some strangers, or suddenly got messages from strangers with a request, "can we be friend?".
So.. what if this "odd things" applied in your real life? what if.. when u walk in the park someone just poke u for no reason?, or coming near u to say "i like your jacket", or even asking u a question "can i be your friend?" in a very sudden, or maybe "follow" u, literally!
If u wanna know, then u should watch this campaign video from Two Boys Opera.. Super Duper Hilarious!Actually, this kind of cases becoming world epidemic and (maybe) this is why Nico Muhly (a classical music composer who has collaborated with Bjork, Grizzly Bear and Anthony and the johnson) and Craig Lucas took their part in the making of Two Boys Opera.
Two Boys Opera by Eno Production is a play that brought u a daily (online) life story. its story begin with a teenage boy stabbed. An older boy is caught on CCTV leaving the scene. An open-and-shut case, it would seem. But, as Detective Inspector Anne Strawson investigates the older boy's story, she uncovers a bizarre nexus of chatroom meetings, mysterious internet identities and disturbing cybersex. Something that u can utterly find in your daily life, aight?
But the thing is.. it made me realise that our (online) life is obnoxiously weird actually. For example, on facebook u can poke someone that u barely know, or be liked or commented by some strangers, or suddenly got messages from strangers with a request, "can we be friend?".
So.. what if this "odd things" applied in your real life? what if.. when u walk in the park someone just poke u for no reason?, or coming near u to say "i like your jacket", or even asking u a question "can i be your friend?" in a very sudden, or maybe "follow" u, literally!
online safely, aight people? :)
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